
Project Cosplay FAQs-2014-2017

This contest is a wilder, more cheeky bend on Cosplay. The following information, like the contest itself, is meant to be both informative and entertaining.

Contest Rules
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Contestants dash to the supplies table to be the first grab the good stuff.
Contestants dash to the supplies table to be the first grab the good stuff.

Contest Rules

  • There is a limit of 8 designers (4 teams of 2), at the Director’s discretion and depending upon the “mix” of contestants. Pre selected models will be assigned to teams at the time of the event.
  • Individual presentations are limited to the materials provided by the event, you may NOT bring your own fabrics or use your own clothing, or clothing from your friends in the audience…. yes it gets that cut throat!
  • The contestants may use NO microphones. The emcees will occasionally ask questions regarding your design and will ask you to speak into their mics at that time.
  • All contestants must be over age 18. Please bring a valid state issued ID.
  • No full nudity allowed! As Dragon Con says: “No costuming is NO COSTUMING.” However, shocking or sexy costumes are fine and encouraged! This is adult programming and there will be profanity… lots of it.
  • There is no pre-judging session. This is a live contest, and the winner will be decided by the audience applause. The 2 hosts and “judging panel” are primarily there only to provide comic relief and to “read” your work. They have no votes in the final decision of the winner.

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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: When and where is it?

    A: This year, Project Cosplay has changed nights. We are now on Saturday night at 10:00 pm in the Hyatt, Hanover C-E.

    Q: Can anyone participate?

    A: Anyone over the age of 18 with a Dragon Con membership badge may participate. Be prepared to show it! …your badge, that is.

  • Q: How do I enter the Project Cosplay?

    A: Come to the show. We will take the first 8 people to step forward.

  • Q: Who are the judges?

    A: This contest is actually judged by audience applause. If it seems close we will ask people to stand and cheer. The audience loves people who are having a good time and providing entertainment. The more outrageous or amazing the costume the more you have a chance of winning!

  • Q: What do the winners win?

    A: The respect of weirdo’s everywhere, plaza theater swag, and random things the organizers may find at a thrift store. Oh, you also get a very nice award plaque from Dragon Con that you can use to taunt the losing teams. (Kidding. It’s the swag that you use for taunting.)

  • Q: How do I get up and off stage?

    A: We have no idea from year to year what our stage setting will be, but likely designers will be on floor level. It is typically the model that will be on an elevated stage and is asked to “walk the runway”.

  • Q: Can I have someone take pictures of my costume?

    A: YES! In fact if you’re not ok with having a million pictures taken, you should probably not do this…. or anything at Dragon Con… or any con for that matter.

  • Q: Can I have friends backstage with me?

    A: No – we are your friends now. Like it.

  • Q: What happens to contestants who break the rules?

    A: Emcee Candace will call your mother, probably in front of the live audience.

Contestants craft their costumes onto live models while emcees and "judges" comment.
Contestants craft their costumes onto live models while emcees and “judges” comment.