Fashion Shownews

Vintage Vogue Fashion Show @ Dragon Con 2015

2014 DC Vintage Vogue Fashion Show Costume

Friday, Sept 4 at 1:00 PM
Grand East Ballroom at the Hilton

presented by
Costuming Track &
Alternate History Track

Bringing historical fashion AND costumes from Alternate History to the runway, the timeline gets twisted at Vintage Vogue! Get a front seat for a fashion parade that crosses the ages at DragonCon!

Regency, Retro and RococcoPunk…they’re all here! Featuring fashions from days-gone-by as well as historical worlds of might-have-been, vintage costuming comes to life on the catwalk.


Q: What is being shown at Vintage Vogue Fashion Show?

A: The VVFS showcases true and accurate historical costuming from ancient history forward.  We are also including exciting costuming from “alternate history” timelines such as Steampunk, Dieselpunk etc.

Q: Is photography allowed?

A: YES!  This is a rare opportunity to capture images of top-drawer costuming that may be overlooked in the greater milieu of pop culture cosplay at DragonCon.

Q: How can I be a part of the show?

A: There may be limited spots remaining in the show. We ask that you please complete the registration form below. If you have additional questions, contact today!

Registration Closed.