Last year we expanded our costuming exhibit. By moving it out of the track room we gained: a bigger space, more genre representation, and we were able to give fans more viewing hours to enjoy the costumes.
Now that we have had one con to “grow into” the space, we have made significant improvements to the overall layout for both the viewer paths and the exhibitor back stage areas. We also discovered that fans of the costuming track actually miss having beautiful costuming on display in the track room itself. So we plan to fix that this year by periodically rotating the exhibit pieces between the exhibit room and the track room. (Hint: this means you can stop by the exhibit 2 or more times and see new stuff each time!)
Also, since we have the space, we are now allowing exhibition of larger fan-built film and television set-piece replicas and we are currently negotiating an item or two that you are going to have to see to believe.
The exhibit is held in the Hilton room 301 (same location as last year) and the hours are Friday through Sunday from 11:30a to 8:00p. The exhibit is closed on Monday to give exhibitors time to pack up their works.
Since 2011, Costuming Track has been host to some of the most amazing costumes from the most brilliant costumers at Dragon Con. Thousands of fans annually pass through our door to marvel the spectacle and the ingenuity.
We take submissions for the exhibit from June 1 until August 15 for display the following Labor Day weekend. Please stop by our exhibit for more information regarding the 2018 exhibition.
Commonly Asked Questions about the Exhibit
A: Once accepted a setup and take down 'appointment' will be arranged with you. In general, setup is Thursday evening. Disassembly is after 10:00 am on Monday.
A: While we can't guarantee absolute safety - as safe as possible. This exhibit has been around since 2010 and we have not had a single incident. The room is staffed when open and locked when not in use. Most exhibits will be connected to a motion alarm and/or cable locked.
A: Collaborations are very welcome. Please make sure to give credit to all involved in the making of the costume in your Exhibit application.
A: No. We want folks attending later in the weekend to see the same exhibit that folks would see near the beginning. Costumes need to be on display for the entire show. If you want to wear your costume this year, please consider applying for the exhibit with that costume next year.
A: Yes. We are an all volunteer ran track. As such we have no budget; and mannequins and dress forms are expensive to buy or rent. With up to 60 displays a year, we can't possibly supply mannequins.
Though the track has been gifted 2-3 dress forms and mannequins, we must reserve those for film credited costumes flown over across country or overseas. Should we find they are not needed, we will then release them on a first come, first served bases.
Otherwise, exhibitors bring their own. If you do not have access to a dress form or mannequin of your own, you might consider asking fans on the Costuming Track Facebook page if someone has one they can loan for the weekend. Many of our exhibitors that do not own a mannequin or dress form have had tremendous success with this strategy.
Should your costume be approved for display, ask the Costuming Exhibit Coordinator for assistance with the above potential options.
A: We have had many exhibit costumes in the past containing lights, actuatures, sound, etc for which batteries are required. We ask that you bring enough batteries for continuous use over 8.5 hours per day for 3 days. We will gladly change out the batteries for you so that onlookers will see the very best version of your display.
We've even had costumes with live plants that required daily misting.
For any situations out of the ordinary or any other display maintenance needs, please let our exhibit coordinator know when completing your registration.
A: We, and our audiences, prefer completed head-to-toe looks. However, we do make exceptions for exemplary partial pieces. Registrants of partial pieces will be addressed by the exhibit coordinator on a case-by-case basis.
If you have any questions, please contact the exhibit coordinator.
Many thanks go out to our featured costumers. By allowing us to display their costuming art, Costuming Track is positioned to provide an experience that is unique within Dragon Con.